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Tax Services

Every business transaction has tax implication and therefore it is crucial to build tax considerations into your strategic business decisions to drive value creation.

Leveraging our depth of understanding of the tax legislation and the business environment, we are positioned to offer our clients with unique tax solutions adequately tailored to their businesses with respect to compliance and tax planning.

Tax Health Check

Tax Health Check is a comprehensive review of a company’s compliance to all the applicable tax types to identify potential risks and opportunities to enable remedial actions to be taken before the end of the year of assessment. The review covers among others:

  • Value Added Tax

  • Corporate Tax  and Self-Assessment to test the 90% rule

  • Withholding Taxes

  • Employee Tax Computations (PAYE)

  • Annual Returns

  • Personal Tax Reliefs.

Tax Planning

Taxes can have a significant impact on your company’s cash flow, value and reputation. Therefore it is imperative to structure transactions of the entity in order to optimise your tax liabilities.

If you want to take advantage of all the tax incentives, reliefs and other provisions in the Tax Acts to bring efficiency into your tax affairs, we are here to offer a hand.

Direct Tax


Under Direct Taxation, we provide the following services:

  • Corporate tax computation including deferred tax

  • Filing of tax returns for Companies, Partnerships and sole proprietor businesses

  • Managing the withholding taxes on clients behalf

  • Managing of employee tax computations and filing.

Transfer Pricing

Transfer Pricing compliance  presents complexities to MNEs and Group of Companies operating in Ghana but our team is here to provide a walk-through advisory support for related party transactions that enhances the value creation of the company whilst remaining complaint.


Our team has the experience in providing:

  • Benchmarking study

  • Drafting of local and master files

  • Designing of Country by Country Report (CbCr) report.

  • Any adhoc support that you may need.

International Tax Services

Global growth opportunities have changed where and how companies conduct business – presenting both new sources of revenue and new challenges. Reducing tax burden, while minimizing associated risk, is a significant factor in the bottom-line success of global operations.

We provide tax perspectives for Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) to investment in our local market in a tax efficient manner.

Indirect Tax

We provide seamless professional advice on how your company can become and stay 100% compliant with all indirect taxes to forestall penalties and interest. These include includes among others:

  • VAT, NHIL and Getfund Levies

  • Imported Services and

  • Excise Duties.

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